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10 Things to Consider Before Going to Kedarnath

Prepare for Kedarnath: 10 Things to Know Before You Go

Planning a trip to Kedarnath? If yes, then we have got something important for you to learn.

While Kedarnath Dham Yatra can be exhilarating, it can also be a challenging experience if you don’t gear up for it the right way.

So before you pack your bags and set off on this incredible journey, there are a few things you need to know to make your trip smooth and memorable
Here’s a handy guide listing all you should be prepared with for your Kedarnath Dham Yatra.

1. Obtain All the Required Permits

Obtain All the Required Permits

First things first, make sure you have all the necessary permits. They are super important for your safety, plus they help the authorities keep track of the expected number of pilgrims visiting the place. And this in turn allows them to make proper arrangements in order to effectively manage the crowd. You can easily grab these permits from government offices or through online portals. Getting your paperwork sorted early means fewer headaches and more time enjoying the trek.

2. Book Your Accommodation Well in Advance

Book Your Accommodation Well in Advance

Kedarnath is a popular destination, so places to stay fill up faster, especially during the peak seasons. Hence, whether you prefer a cozy lodge or a basic Dharamshala, it’s always best to book your accommodation in advance. This not only helps secure a place to stay but also offers you a better choice of accommodations. While at it, make sure to look for places with basic amenities like hot water, good food, and clean, comfortable beds – because this is the least you deserve for a paid stay.

3. Get a full body checkup to learn about your health condition

Before planning a Kedarnath Dham Yatra, know that this is no walk-in-the-park trek; rather, it’s physically demanding and takes you to higher altitudes where the air is comparatively thinner with lower oxygen levels.

So now what can you do?

First, consult your doctor and schedule a full body checkup to make sure whether or not you are fit for the trek. Rest, if you have any health issues like asthma, high blood pressure or any heart conditions, discuss them with your doctor and take all the necessary precautions. Knowing your health status will help you prepare better and trek safer.

4. Avoid Carrying Heavy Baggage to the Trek

Avoid Carrying Heavy Baggage to the Trek

Always remember that less is more when it comes to packing for Kedarnath.

Heavy bags can make your trek tough and tiring. Hence, make sure to pack smart—only bring the essentials like suitable clothing wear for varying weather conditions, personal hygiene items, and lightweight trekking gear. More so, choose a lightweight, durable backpack with a good support system to evenly distribute the overall weight.

A lighter load makes for a much more enjoyable trek, so you can focus on the stunning views instead of struggling with your bag.

5. Prepare Yourself a First Aid Box

A well-prepared first aid kit is a must-have to treat minor injuries and health issues during the trek. So, pack yourself a box with some basic items like band-aids, antiseptic cream, pain relievers, and any personal meds you might need.

Apart from this, know that high-altitude sickness can be a thing, so include meds for that too. You have no idea how this small thing turns out so helpful during a minor inconvenience on your way, so never miss out on a first-aid kit.

6. Carry Enough Cash

Carry Enough Cash

Kedarnath doesn’t have a lot of ATMs, and digital payments might not always work due to network issues in remote areas. Therefore, it’s best to carry enough cash for your expenses, including food, lodging, and any other emergencies. Having cash on hand means one less thing to worry about during your trek. So calculate your budget and keep a lump sum amount to make up for your small expenses.

7. Avoid Traveling during the Monsoon Season

Avoid Traveling during the Monsoon Season
The Monsoon season (June to September) means heavy rain, landslides, and slippery, tricky trails. Hence, it’s best and much safer to plan your visit to Kedarnath before or after the monsoon—think May to June or September to October when the weather is more favorable. This way, you avoid the risk of bad weather and enjoy a safe trek with clear skies and easy road accessibility.


8. Respect the Environment


Kedarnath is a beautiful and sacred place, so let’s keep it that way. This means, avoid littering all around the place. Rather, carry your trash until you find a proper disposal spot. More so, try sticking to designated trails to minimize your impact on the environment. Out of all, understand that these pilgrimage sites are a part of our cultural heritage and they must be properly maintained and preserved at all costs. So respect the natural beauty of Kedarnath so that it remains unspoiled for everyone to enjoy for years to come.

9. Pack light snacks and water

Pack light snacks and water

Staying energized and hydrated during your trek is of utmost importance. So, for this, pack some light, non-perishable snacks like dry fruits, energy bars, trail mix, and more. They are rich in nutrients, and the best part – they don’t add much to the weight of your backpack. Along with this, remember that dehydration is a real concern at high altitudes, so always carry a water bottle and drink up regularly. Snacks and water will keep you going, especially on the tougher parts of the trek.

10. Stay well informed and updated

Stay well informed and updated

Keep yourself updated on weather forecasts, trail conditions, and travel advisories related to your trek. You can join online trekking forums and groups where trekkers share real-time updates and tips for your trip. Besides, you can also connect with local authorities and fellow trekkers can provide valuable info. Being well-prepared with all the updated information will help you make smart decisions and have a better trekking experience.


A little preparation goes a long way when it comes to planning a trip like Kedarnath which comes with its own set of challenges and thrills. So spare some time, learn and take hold of your things so that you don’t end up stressing about unnecessary mayhem at the last minute.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. Do and don’ts for the Kedarnath trip?
A. Here are some do’s and don’t for the Kedarnath trip:


  • Book your stay well in advance
  • Carry enough cash
  • Get yourself a first aid box


  • Don’t litter around the place
  • Don’t miss out on your essentials and required IDs

Q. How do I prepare my body for the Kedarnath Trek?
A. Kedarnath trek involves a strenuous 16-18 Km trek, so prepare yourself physically. Practice strength excercises and light cardio to build your cardiovascular endurance.

Q. What clothes to wear in Kedarnath?
A. Kedarnath is located at higher altitudes where temperatures can be significantly low. So, wear warm yet comfortable clothing that keeps you protected from the chills.

Q. Are jeans allowed in Kedarnath Temple?
A. There’s no such dress code for Kedarnath, however, its best advised to dress modestly.

Q. What to eat during the Kedarnath trek?
A. Its best to fuel your body with some nutritious snacks like dry fruits, energy bars and nuts before starting the trek. Meanwhile, also include some complex carbohydrates and protein-rich items to keep yourself energized throughout your journey.

Q. How many km walking to Kedarnath?
A. The Kedarnath trek is around 16-18 Kilometers long and it takes around 6-8 hours on an average to complete the trek

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