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First Solo Trip

Avoid These Common Mistakes on Your First Solo Trip

Planning your first solo trip can be exciting, empowering, and also a bit daunting sometimes. From picking the right destination to choosing the perfect accommodation and navigating the place, it often becomes a little too much to manage alone. While it’s natural to make a few mistakes along the way, some common missteps can be easily avoided with a little preparation and insight. 

So, in this blog, we will guide you with what NOT TO DO and WHAT TO DO instead while planning your first solo trip. So, no matter whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or an international trip, this guide will help you dodge the most common mistakes people make when traveling alone.

1. Overpacking



The thrill and excitement of first solo trip often leads to the urge to pack for every possible situation. But lugging around a heavy suitcase or an overloaded backpack can literally take the fun out of travel, especially when you have to navigate public transport or walk long distances. So before stuffing your bags with all that stuff, ask yourself – would it be feasible for you to carry so much weight alone? 

What to do instead? 

The best is to pack only the essentials. For this, choose versatile clothing pieces that you can mix and match to create different styles. Besides this, stick to travel-sized toiletries, and remember, you can always do laundry or buy things on the go. A good rule of thumb? Lay out everything you think you need, then take away half of it. 

2. Not Researching Enough


While most people enjoy the spontaneity part of their first solo trip, going in completely blind can lead to unnecessary stress. Hence, don’t skip important research on the local culture, transport options, or even safety tips that could lead to a less-than-smooth experience. 

What to do instead? 

Spend a good time researching everything about your destination. Look into basic phrases if you’re traveling somewhere with a different language, understand the local customs and traditions, and figure out the best ways to get around. Knowing what to expect will help you feel more confident and less overwhelmed on the go.

3. Being Overambitious with Your Itinerary


As exciting as it sounds to explore everything in one go, planning an overly packed itinerary can leave you exhausted and drained. It’s easy to think you’ll want to hit all the sights in a single day, but in reality, that’s just a recipe for burnout. So, be mindful of all the necessary aspects – big or small while planning your itinerary.

What to do instead?

Give yourself plenty of time to explore at an easy and slow pace. Meanwhile, also make sure to include buffer time between activities for relaxation, rest, or just taking in the surroundings. Remember, one of the joys of solo travel is the freedom to change plans at your own will. And for that, you’ll need to have some spare time.

4. Neglecting to Share Your Plans with Someone

Share Your Plans

One of the most common mistakes first-time solo travelers make is not telling anyone about their plans. While solo travel can feel wonderfully independent and thrilling, it’s still important that someone knows where you are.    

What to do instead?

Always share your itinerary, hotel details, or at least your whereabouts with a family member or friend. This can help keep you safe and ensure that someone can help or contact you in case of an emergency. Remember, even a quick text to let someone know you’re safe can make all the difference.

5. Ignoring Your Budget

Ignoring Your Budget

It’s easy to lose track of your spending when you’re excited about trying new things. However, note that your first solo trip can quickly get expensive if you don’t manage your budget wisely. You might get lured away into buying unnecessary stuff to take as a memoir from your first solo trip or feel like treating yourself to a good meal at a sophisticated restaurant. While none of this is wrong, it’s always a good idea to execute things as per your budget. 

What to do instead?  

The best is to plan your budget before the trip and stick to it as closely as possible. Try to keep an eye on hidden costs like transport fares, tips, and unplanned activities. Meanwhile, also set aside some extra money for unexpected expenses, but avoid splurging too much in the beginning so you don’t end up running out of funds before your trip is over.

6. Skipping Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

We understand it might seem like an unnecessary expense at first, but not investing in travel insurance can be one of the biggest mistakes you can make. From health emergencies to lost baggage, a lot can go wrong while you are traveling solo, and we are sure you don’t want to be caught unprepared. 

What to do instead?

Always, always get travel insurance. It’s better to have it and not need it than to be stuck without it in an emergency. However, make sure that your insurance covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and any other unforeseen events. This small step can give you peace of mind during your journey.

7. Staying Glued to Your Phone

Staying Glued to Your Phone

While it’s tempting to keep checking your phone for updates, directions, or social media, know that it can certainly detract from the experience of enjoying your own time by yourself. Solo travel is all about being present at the moment and soaking in your surroundings, so put that phone down; you can post those aesthetic photos later on.

What to do instead?

Limit your screen time and enjoy your environment. Yes, use your phone for navigation or emergencies, but try to disconnect and immerse yourself in the local culture; try interacting with people, and hearing their life stories. You’ll be surprised at the wholesome connections you make when you’re not constantly looking down at a screen.

8. Not Trusting Your Instincts

Not Trusting Your Instincts

When traveling solo, it’s crucial to trust your gut. If a situation feels off or unsafe, it probably is. So, never ignore your instincts just because you don’t want to be rude or overcautious as it can lead to unnecessary trouble.

What to do instead?

Always listen to that inner voice. If something doesn’t feel right, remove yourself from the situation. It’s better to be overly cautious than regretful. We know solo travel is about freedom and exploration, but it’s equally important to stay safe.

9. Forgetting to Enjoy the Moment

Enjoy the Moment


While traveling solo, it’s easy to get caught up with planning and organization – where you’re going, what time the bus leaves, how much money you’re spending, and much more. But don’t forget the whole point of solo travel: to enjoy your own company and the journey.

What to do instead? 

Take time to relax and enjoy each moment. Sit down extra for coffee in that cute cafe, spend time by the beach without a schedule, and take in the surroundings. This is your time, and you deserve to soak in and enjoy every second of it.


Solo travel can be one of the most fulfilling and transformative experiences of your life. While you’re bound to make a mistake or two, these common pitfalls are easy to avoid with a little preparation and vigilance. As long as you keep an open mind, stay flexible, and prioritize your safety, your first solo trip will be something you’ll remember forever. Safe travels!

Also Read:Solo Travel in India: The Ultimate Guide for Adventurers

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