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Islands of Lakshadweep

9 Beautiful Places In India You Are Not Allowed To VisiT

India is widely famous for its iconic landmarks, scenic beauty, and exotic places. But do you know that there are some mysterious or we’d rather say forbidden places in India that you are not allowed to visit and explore? Yes, you heard that right!

While if you look at these places, you’d find them incredibly beautiful, but traveling here is just like walking under the radar! Curious about what’s so uncanny about these destinations? 

Don’t worry, this blog will help you learn about such 9 prohibited areas in India that are restricted for their own particular reasons. 

Disclaimer: Please note that this blog is not to discourage Indian tourism in any way. The agenda is just to spread awareness about places in India where tourists are prohibited.

1. Barren Islands, Andaman and Nicobar Islands 

Andaman and Nicobar Islands is certainly one of the best places to visit in India but the sad part is it’s not entirely accessible to tourists. Some of its areas like Barren Island, (which is the only active volcano in India) are prohibited for travel purposes. 


Barren Island had a massive explosion in the year 1991 during which the fauna in this region were badly destroyed after which there was a significant fall in the number of bird species and population. Ever since this incident, the place has been prohibited. However, if you really want to see the island, you can still go on a boat or ferry ride to experience its beauty – but only from a distance! 

2. Aksai Chin, Ladakh 

Aksai Chin

Lying on the border between India and China, Aksai Chin is no less than a paradise on earth. It is all surrounded by exotic salt lakes, beautiful valleys and gorges, and the pristine Karakash River. 

However, concerning the long-standing disputes between India and China, the area has been restricted for visitors. India claims that it is a part of Ladakh, (one of India’s union territories), while China claims it is a part of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Tibet Autonomous Region. 

But just to tell you, Aksai Chin is actually a part of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) that just separates Chinese-controlled territory from Indian-controlled territory and is probably nothing to take control over by either of the countries. 

3. Cholamu Lake, Sikkim

Also popularly known as Tso Lhamo Lake, Cholamu Lake is one of the highest lakes in the world. Fed by the fresh waters of the Pauhunri and Zemu glaciers, you’ll be amazed by the beauty of this gorgeous lake. 

Cholamu Lake is located near the Tibet border and thus concerning its discerning location it is one of the restricted places in India. Hence, only Sikkim police or administration authorities are allowed here. 

4. Stok Kangri, Ladakh

Stok Kangri, Ladakh

Over-tourism has become a big problem in India today and unfortunately, it has also become the only reason why Stok Kangri – one of the highest trekking peaks in India is no longer accessible to anyone. 

It was all because of the trekking groups who were often found contaminating the water supply of the village located below the basecamp of Stok Kangri.

Hence, concerning this situation, in the year 2019, the All Ladakh Tour Operators Association declared that Stok Kangri will be closed starting from the year 2020. Since then, there have been no updates regarding its reopening but we hope it’s soon made accessible to all.  

5. Mount Kanchenjunga, Sikkim

Mount Kanchenjunga

Mount Kanchenjunga, the third-highest peak in the world is no longer accessible to any traveler or mountaineer. And the reason behind this is a bit unusual than you would think.

The place was banned after the local Buddhists expressed their opposition against what they regarded as the impiety of the mountain by the foreigners. Hereafter, the Sikkim Government, under the provisions of the ‘Places of Worship Act 1991’, banned all expeditions to Mount Kanchenjunga in the year 2001. 

Well, this was a big move by the Sikkim Government but it was necessary with regards to respecting the religious sentiments of the Buddhists. 

6. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai 

Situated in a suburb called Tromboy in Mumbai, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre is India’s premier nuclear research center. No tourists or common visitors can enter the research center due to security and safety reasons. Only students and researchers are allowed to enter the premises that too after getting permission from the government institutions. 

7. The Nicobar Islands, Andaman & Nicobar Islands 

Nicobar Islands

While you might see Andaman as one of the best tourist destinations in India, the Nicobar Islands are prohibited for visitors. The reason for it? The tribes of the Nicobar Islands are one of the first inhabitants of the islands and they don’t want to be a part of the modern civilization. 

And this is not all. 

Back in the time, the people from the tribe had maimed visitors who frantically tried entering their territory. Therefore, in order to respect their sentiments and keep everyone all safe & secure, the Government of India has banned any tourist entry to the Nicobar Islands. More so, for added security, the Indian Navy also keeps watch over the Nicobar Islands.

8. Upper Part of Pangong Tso Lake, Ladakh

Upper Part of Pangong Tso Lake

The Pangong Tso Lake in Ladakh is so beautiful that it’d leave you wondering how can such an astonishing place be forbidden. 

But the good part is that it’s not completely forbidden and tourists still visit to witness this color-changing lake every year. 

Then where is the problem?

The catch is that the Line of Actual Control (LAC), which segregates the Indian-controlled territory from the Chinese-controlled territory passes through the Pangong Land. Hence, 50% of the Lake falls on the disputed territory which is inaccessible to tourists.

Also Read : 10 Mysterious Places in India To Visit in 2024

9. Selected Islands of Lakshadweep 

Lakshadweep is well known as an archipelago with a total of 36 islands surrounding it. While some of these islands are thriving with tourism, others are strictly prohibited for tourists. 

Well, the reason behind it is pretty clear. Lakshadweep makes for an important naval base hence security remains a prime concern here due to which tourist activity is quite restricted in some places. 

However, Indian citizens can seek permits to enter islands like Agatti, Kalpeni, Bangaram, Minicoy, and Kamdmat islands but foreigners? – they are completely banned! Besides, access to all the other remaining islands is forbidden for all tourists. And if you still try to make a way through them, be prepared to face the consequences.


Being a travel freak, it’s hard to resist exploring such interesting places in India. However, it’s also important to understand that these places are barred to protect both the locals and tourists alike. Hence, the best is to respect the decision of the authorities and practice precaution.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :

 Q. Which island in India is not allowed to visit?

A. North Sentinel Island in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is a place that no one is allowed to visit.

Q. Why is it not allowed to visit Nicobar?

A. The Nicobarese (the group of tribal people living in Nicober) don’t prefer unnecessary disturbance within their space and want to keep their habitat as natural as they can. Hence, except for Nicobarese, no one is allowed to visit here unless they’re a part of the Nicobar government. 

Q. Is there any hotel in India where Indians are not allowed?

A. The Red Lollipop Hotel in Chennai does not entertain Indian travelers and is exclusively reserved for foreign visitors. The entry into the hotel is also made through a valid passport only. 

Q. Which beach is not allowed for Indians?A. The Foreigners Only beaches in Goa are only open for international travelers and Indians aren’t allowed to access them.

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