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White Water River Rafting in Himachal – Best Places, Rafting Tips and More

White Water River Rafting in Himachal – Tall majestic Himalayas, scenic landscapes, and gushing rivers – yes, we are talking about Himachal Pradesh; a true heaven on earth. But this wonderful state is not just about the scenic beauty and aura, instead, it also makes for the perfect adventure abode for all those travel freaks who want to spend a fun time while enjoying the calm and serene aura of the mountains; and Himachal brings the best of both worlds.

While activities like trekking, mountaineering, and rock climbing are quite popular in Himachal, the one that attracts visitors the most is river rafting. The thrill of tackling the gushing high water waves while making your way out towards the ends is a lifetime experience. If you are all pumped to try river rafting but confused about where to head to for the best experience then this blog is for you. Herein, we will tell you about different places for to enjoy river rafting in Himachal Pradesh.

Top Places for River Rafting in Himachal Pradesh

Beas River – Kullu

If you are looking for a fun rafting experience without much risk, then Beas River in Kullu is the right place for you. The clear water and mild turbulence of the river allow you to enjoy a swift yet amazing experience along with serene, panoramic views running beside you as you paddle through the water currents. In case you are a pro in rafting, the place also offers grade 4 and grade 5 rafting experience to make it more thrilling for you.  

Satluj River – Shimla 

Rafting through the Satluj River in Shimla is only for experienced ones as it is one of the most challenging rafting routes. The river stretches through Tattapani which is the sulphur hot springs of Himachal Pradesh. Herein, you can choose from 9 Km, 12 Km, and 20 Km spreads as per your interests, preferences, and most importantly – experience!

Chamba River – McLeodganj

The lush green scenic views, pleasant, calming weather, and the chilly waters of river Chamba – yes we are talking about McLeodganj. If you are new to river rafting or haven’t ever tried it before, Chamba Chamba River is the best place to make your debut. McLeodganj offers grade 2 and grade 3 river rafting along with exotic views of Tibetan monastries and majestic mountains welcoming you as you progress through the water currents. 

Cost of River Rafting in Himachal Pradesh

The average cost for river rafting ranges anywhere between INR 500-2000/person. However, the cost may vary depending on the river spread, grade (1-5) and the time you choose to go rafting. More so, if you are traveling in groups, you can even avail for discounts.

Best Time for River Rafting in Himachal Pradesh 

The best time to enjoy river rafting in Himachal Pradesh is during the summer when the weather is all warm, pleasant and cosy. However, white water rafting can be best enjoyed from October to April. Meanwhile, just make sure to avoid the monsoon season as their are chances of heavy rainfall which may result in high river water levels. 

Tips for River Rafting in Himachal Pradesh  

River rafting in a thrilling acitivity that surely sends chills down your spine as you paddle through the gushing water currents. But it can only be best enjoyed following all the proper safety measures to avoid any accidents or mishaps. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind while going for river rafting in Himachal Pradesh:

  1. Learn the basics of river rafting: Rafting can be both exhausting and risky adventure sport. Hence, its always best to learn a bit about the game. Educate yourself about the different rafting grades to analyze what your body and experience would best fit for. Make sure to know your limitations and if you are mentally and physically prepared to take upon this challenge. 
  1. Hold the paddle rightly: Make sure to always hold the paddle in the right position as failure to do so can lead to serious accidents and injuries. For this, use your one hand to keep the shaft at the base and another hand to hold the T-grip to get a strong control throughout your journey.
  1. Understand the rivers: this might surprise you a little, but know that river waters behave differently in different seasons. Like for example, during summers, the water is usually calm and quite while winters comparatively have stronger turbulence and lower temperature. Hence, firstly decide which time you’d be taking up this activity and what will be condition of the water levels during those months.
  1. Never forget to wear your lifejacket and helmet: river rafting is full of jerks and turbulence, hence always ensure to wear your lifejacket and helmet throughout the journey. Besides, ask for a jacket that fits you perfectly and has buckles for proper closure. 
  1. Prepare yourself for the adventure: Water rafting will throw you up with unpredictable challenges and you would never know what’s coming next. So, try to maintain your composure and be confident about yourself and your capabilities.

What to Pack?

If this is your first time going for river rafting and your are confused about what all to pack for this thrilling adventure then here is a list of items that should pack for river rafting in Himachal Pardesh:

  • Towels
  • Sunscreen
  • Swimsuits
  • Water and snacks
  • Extra pair of clothes
  • Waterproof cases for your mobile phone
  • Athletic shoes

Also Read : Explore the 7 Famous Water Parks in Himachal Pradesh


Rafting is all fun and chills and Himachal is one of the best to experience it. Trust us when we say this, it will leave you with a feeling of amusement and delight. So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and head to Himachal to have the best time of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :

Q. How much does river rafting cost in Himachal Pradesh?

A. The average cost of river rafting in Himachal Pradesh ranges from INR 500 – INR 2000/person. 

Q. Which river is Shimla river rafting?

A. You can take part in rafting in the Satluj river of Shimla.

Q. Which city is famous for river rafting?

A. Rishikesh, Darjeeling, Coorg and Goa are some of the most famous cities for river rafting. 

Q. Is rafting safe for children and the elderly?

A. yes, rafting is safe for both children and elderly if followed  by all the safety measures and precautions. 

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